Last week I and the entire Leonberger world lost a great friend and advocate – Waltraut Zieher died, succumbing to the spread of cancer. I only knew Waltraut for the past 10 years or so, and only really got to know her in the last 6, but in that short time I came to understand that I’d been lucky to know one of the greatest Leonberger advocates of my time.
Waltraut was outspoken and direct; two experiences that sum up my relationship with her…
1) In 2005 I had a Leonberger that I very much wanted to breed. “Gala” was beautiful, 100% sweet, with an awesomely calm, smart, playful temperment. I had only chatted with Waltraut a few times but I knew she was a BACL examiner* and so I asked her to critique Gala. Ever so …bluntly… Waltraut said “don’t breed her – she has entropion”. No two ways about that statement, no “…but what if…”, I got the point. She must have sensed my disappointment and hurt and backed off a little, adding “…double-check with an eye specialist, I could be wrong…”. Of course, I did, and Waltraut was right so puppies were not to be.
2) by 2010 Waltraut I’d gotten to know her more and love her directness. She never ceased to make me laugh at the unflinching way she pointed out problems… no mincing words… no easing into subjects. At the Sacto, CA Leo Specialty I was showing my girl “Ripple” in the ring on a hot, hot, very hot, day – as I came out of the ring Waltraut said “Ripple did good but you didn’t show her very well”. I burst out laughing. She was absolutely 100% right, and in the midst of the usual “good job!” comments her comment stood out for it’s honesty. I smile still every time I think of that – it was pure “Waltraut”.
I find it incredibly poignant and appropriate that Waltraut died of one of biggest problems she spent the last decades fighting in Leonbergers: cancer (and specifically, it had spread to bone cancer). It made her seem to *be* a Leonbergerwhich I think is a great honor. She got lots of Leonberger community awards but I sure wish she could have gotten the Grey Muzzle award**.
Ripple will hopefully have puppies soon, continuing on Waltraut’s Von Stutensee line. I hope I am able to remember everything Waltraut taught me as this litter comes to life.
You got Best in Show, Waltraut, good girl!
*Before LCA became affiliated with the AKC, there were BACL examiners who determined the breeding quality of Leonbergers. It was a sad IMO when we lost that… but that’s another story for another day…
**Grey Muzzle awards are issued to Leos which live 12+ years, an extra long life for a breed whose typical lifespan is 8-10 years.